Sunday, August 7, 2016

Day Four- Cape Lookout

Thursday was a day to move to our next campground, Cape Lookout. We spent the morning however seeing a couple sights before be packed up. We drove to the north and visited Devil's Punch Bowl. The tide was up so we could not go down to it and walk in.

From this point we could look south at Beverly Beach where we had been staying.

We next went to Depoe Bay, the smallest harbor in the world. They have a spotting center there that looks for whales and we saw a whale there. We watched it for about 15 minutes. Then it was time to head back, have lunch and then move to the new camp site.

Once we set up our new camp it was off to the beach again. This beach had a little fog that created a misty look. It was also a place to find sand dollars but they were all broken.

We took some time to make a sand sculpture. This was a whale to commemorate the whale we saw in the morning.

We walked along the beach heading toward the cape. As we got to the cliffs the tide was rising so we had a few minutes to look along the cliffs and then head back before our way back was covered in water.

After dinner it was time to watch the sunset at Cape LookOut.

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