Sunday, July 13, 2014

Grandkid Sleep Over

On the 7th we had the grandkids for a sleep over. Cindy planned a lot of fun things for them to do. After they made their own dinner pizza rolls we went outside and played with the water ball. Payton made sure she got everyone wet.

After getting wet it was time to make "Exploding Chalk". The kids would pour a color into a baggie and then add corn starch and vinegar and mix it with their hands by squishing the baggie.

Once that was done then baking soda was placed in the bag and then step back because the bag pops and the color goes flowing down the sidewalk.

By the end of the baggies we had a colorful driveway. We played another game when it got dark of shooting heliopters into the sky that had LED lights on them. By the end of the evening Payton was pretty good at shooting it up in the air.

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