We found some better sand dollars but still not perfectly untouched. W had breakfast and it started to clear up and took one last walk along he beach and playing in the water then started to head home.
We stopped at Tillamock and went to the cheese factory with all the rest of the people in Oregon. I still think Gossenor cheese tastes better though we had some good ice cream cones.

We stopped at Multnomah Falls as we passed through the Gorge, It was crowded there also. It was a lot different from the time we visited there after Ashley's wedding in January of last year.
We then traveled east to reach Immigrant Springs where we had planned to camp. I had never seen it full before so I was not worried but when we pulled in at 9 pm the sign said full. I said lets take a look and we found one site open and took it. It turned out that some one got booted out because they did not pay for the site just a few minutes before we pulled in. Another blessing on our trip.
Next morning was Sunday and we went to church in LeGrande. The church on the website was empty and very old but we found another building in the town and got there right before sacrament meeting started. We then headed home but first we had to stop at the car dealership in Caldwell. The plan was the car was all done and we would just pick it up and then drop off the rental car. When we got to the dealer ship they acted like they knew nothing about it and were not going to put any effort into finding out about it. We talked about calling the service people at their home and finally when we told them we live in Ogden they started to put some effort because they just wanted us to come back tomorrow. They finally located the keys and the bill, we paid them and then unloaded the rental car and was back on the road.

Cindy and Shannon and the kids left us at Lava as they were going to spend the night in Lava and go swimming the next day and Nic and I drove the trailer home. We pulled into Ogden just in time to see the fireworks going off at Weber State. One more blessing happened as we unloaded the tent trailer; the tongue jack broke and would not raise the trailer off the hitch. If it broke on the trip we would not have been able to stabilize the trailer when we set it up. While not a flawless trip it was fun, we felt blessed and enjoyed the time we had together.
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