We always enjoy this activity and the entertainment is always so good and makes you laugh and feel good about this land we live in.
After the show it was back to the campground and looking at the clear night sky. We could see the Milky Way, satellites and shooting stars. The next morning the sky at camp was very smokey. The forest fire which was five miles to the east was still not under control and the smoke was sucked down the canyon in the morning and in the afternoon the wind shifts and blows the smoke to the east.

We were going to spend the day in the Tetons. We started in an area called Mormon Row. It was a farming area in the early 1900's. There are old barns and buildings along this dirt road and it is the location of some great photos of the Tetons.
We then went toward the north entrance and looked at Mt. Moran from the oxbow in the river.
From there we went and had lunch along Jackson Lake.
After lunch it was time to ride bikes. We started at the north end of Jenny Lake and rode along the east shore to the south end of the lake. Connor was really a trooper because as we went down a steep hill his front wheel started to wiggle but he did not fall over.
We parked our bikes and then hiked along the south end of the lake to an area called Moose Ponds. We did not see a moose but we knew one was close by as the tracks along the trail were fresh and we could hear something.
Shannon and Connor continued along the trail because other hikers had said they saw a bear. Cindy, Payton and I turned back and waited at the lake edge for them top come back. While we were at teh lakes edge a deer came out of the woods into view.
We saw some more deer and then elk as night was falling and it was time to head back to camp. The clouds and smoke clouds were lit up by the sunset.
As we drove into the camp the horizon was glowing with the fire. We decided to go and see the fire and it was quite a site. Pine trees exploded as the fire reached them and the sky was orange with the flames lighting the smoke behind them.
The next morning was spent watching the osprey that had nested near the camp and then it was into town.
After visiting downtown and having ice cream Cindy and I headed to Rexburg while Shannon and the grand kids headed back home.
We met Tammy and Nancy in Rexburg and went to the temple Wednesday evening.
The next few days were spent at education week. We had a wonderful time learning from all the wonderful teachers. The garden in the middle of campus also makes it a pleasant stroll between classes.

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