We left in the afternoon following Nate's farewell as he leaves on his mission. We hit a sever wind and rain storm at the Utah Idaho boarder. Once we got through it Nic told me to pull over as there was something dragging from the tent trailer. The light cable had come loose and was dragging on the freeway causing sparks. It wore off a side of it dragging on the road. So no trailer lights. The Durango then started to act up and it would not shift down as we got on the freeway. We traveled a couple of hours and it would not shift down. It also caused us to use gas at twice the rate of normal. We stopped west of Twin Falls and hitched the tent trailer to Nic and Shannon's vehicle to see if it would make a difference. It did not and we were wondering what to do. We continued on but rather than trying to reach a place in Oregon we decided to find a camp ground near Boise. We found a place outside of Caldwell and set up camp for the night. It had a pond which Connor and Payton were happy about and they could skip stones. It was not the normal camping experience that I had planned on though as everyone was next to each other and most trailers are peoples homes.

We got to Burns and pulled in to create our own Les Shuab story. I had tried four places in Ogden looking to replace the tires before the trip because they were wearing uneven and no one had the tires and needed to special order them, but little Burns had two tires the right size and we had them replace the two tires on the trailer. Now we could travel feeling confident but another delay.
We pulled into Bend around 5:30 and the grand kids needed a break so we found a park for them to play in. It was near the river and a wonderful park and neighborhood.
There was even an adult kick ball league going on.
Then it was on our way again but this time we were now crossing the Cascades with their snow covered peaks and volcano shapes.
We finally made it to camp around 9:30 that night as it was getting dark. Looking back we had several blessings happen. If we had not stayed in Caldwell we would not have been at a place to leave the Durango to get fixed and rented a car. If we had not got the new hitch the tire blowing could have damaged the tent trailer because the way it was tilted, had we not choose this route would there have been a tire place so close that had the tires. We really had been blessed that day.
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