After breakfast it was off to see the various falls in this park. First it was Silver Falls. It is the easiest falls to get to but it was not crowded when we went before 9 in the morning. We could see the falls from the top...
the side....
and from the bottom.
We then drove a mile or so to a trail walk that goes down into the canyon to see other falls. First it was Winter Falls. We then walked down the trail through a beautiful forest to meet up with another river and more falls. Some trees had fallen, snapped by a storm of some kind.
The next falls was Middle North Falls. It was also one of those falls you can walk behind.
Drake Falls was the next falls we came to which was more of a cascade.
After Drake were the Double Falls. There is a top falls and a bottom falls.
The final falls before we had to turn back to camp because we had to leave by one was Lower North Falls.
It was hard to believe that this park was reached going through farm land and you were not even in the mountains. It was a place we wished we had more time. It also is a place we wished Cindy's knee was better. She found out a week before that she has no ACL and will need a total knee replacement but she did the hikes and never complained.
It was then off to the coast and our stay at Beverly Beach which was a couple of hours drive. Once there it was time to walk to the beach and relax. and watch Connor and Payton play in the water and sand.
We went back to camp for dinner and then back to the beach to watch the sunset on a wonderful day.
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