We made it to the Sunrise Campground and were lucky enough to find a great spot to pull the tent trailer into. We read books and then decided to go for a early evening hike at the Limber Pine trail which was just a short distance from the campground.
The wild flowers were in bloom and it made the trail enjoyable to see all the different colors. We even saw some Sego Lillys.
We made it to the Limber Pine area and stood by one of the older trees which is over 580 years old.
We then continued on and came across a portion of the path that looked so picturesque it just invited you to continue.
We then came to an overlook where you could see Bear Lake.
We made it back to camp, played a mean game of scrabble and then went to bed.
The next day was our exploration day. We first went to Minnetonka Cave. We were lucky that we got right in because there were just the two of us. We climbed the 888 stairs inside the cave and saw the wonderful formations created by the water dissolving the rocks and then dripping to leave the material behind.
The next stop was the Paris Ice Caves. This was two canyons to the north . It was so interesting to see that inside the cave was a frozen ice floor and then ice columns that went from floor to ceiling. The light would shine through the ice to create a glow in the ice. The ice caves are formed by winter cold being trapped in the cave and heat can not make its way into the cave.
From there we did a tour of the Paris Tabernacle. It began construction in 1884 and was completed in 1889. It is an amazing structure when you consider what they had to work with in its construction.
After the tour we went to the north shore and played in the water for a little bit and then it was time for dinner back at the camp ground. It was a pretty fun day.
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