Any event needs to start off with food and we had an assortment of things to choose from. We had Carlin's white trash plate to shrimp and the favorite, "little Smokies."
It was then on to the program with talents from each family. Tammy led the singing of various songs which the young kids got into.
Cindy and Payton performed, "I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas" together.
Kent had laid down a challenge this year so Shannon and Maddie took him up on it and performed a rousing rendition of "Sisters" from a scene from the old movie White Christmas.
Lest anyone forget, Kent was also known for doing some performances of his own during past programs.This is a picture of his 1987 touring group, "Tammy and the Plaid Boys."
It was then time for the traditional Nativity scene which was been going on for at least 37 years. We have now a second generation of children performers.
Payton as an angel with Allie (Sean's daughter) and Naomi (Emily's daughter)
Shannon as an angel in 1990
2014 performers
1990 performance left to right: Aaron, Shannon, Cameron, Brad, Carlin, Gaven, Sean.
The next morning was the perfect Christmas, it snowed!!! Compare the scene of the sunset with this picture taken 15 hours later.
Before the Christmas activities of the morning we gathered from the one sock that sits on the mantel and read what we are grateful and thankful for. Here is the list;
Greg: Maddie going to school and managing her money during this hard time, having my health to do the addition given the accident last year, Cindy serving the sisters of the ward with a caring heart, the weather being mild this fall so we could get things done on the addition, Maddie's willingness to help me with the house, being able to have the spirit of peace, the music of Christmas, having the ability to take the family on outings that are Christmas traditions, being able to be with the family to share Christmas with.
Cindy: Shannon staying and helping me with school, Maddie got to be with us for FHE when she had a class, caroling to June Brown very uplifting, Maddie surprised me and made a scrumptious dinner, Maddie helping Greg on the house, Greg helped give Kate a blessing, I ran into Eliza and she was stressed and I was happy that we would be lifting her spirits, Shannon getting her $10 meds, being able to serve my visiting teaching families at Thanksgiving time, I love our addition I apperciate Daddy and Maddie working so hard, going to concerts with family, going to the temple with Susana and being her escort.
Maddie: A loving mother, passing my classes, having great friends, learning lots with this addition, being able to serve others, dates with Mom, having such a hard working Dad, my doggies, getting a job.
Once we read those as a reminder and being grateful for so many blessings we then opened our socks next to the roaring fire (probably get fined for this Christmas tradition with the new no word burning law)
I should make mention one photo that does not exist is at 6:30 a.m.. I am out shoveling the snow. Cindy calls me in to get the fireplace ready while in the mean time she made a desperation call to Nic; woke him up so that he would get my Christmas gift of a snow blower over to the house before I had shoveled the walks. Nic was a good sport and Cindy got me from inside to see Nic on our driveway with a snow blower cleaning the snow off. What a surprise gift. Then it was opening the presents under our nice tall tree.
You will notice that you can see through the one window into the addition and over by the dining room the blue tarp that is the temporary entrance into the addition. It is also suppose to keep the cold air out but this floor is a little colder with that opening and no insulation in the addition yet. Again that is not a new thing. In 1992 we did the east addition to the house during the fall and winter and had a blanket that covered the opening between the addition and the main house and commented on how cold it was. Again things don't change

Of course one thing that was nice in 1992 we actually had the new blue carpet installed in time for Christmas to be able to use the space even though the upstairs and downstairs were not finished nor the outside of the house.
My favorite post yet! Loved all the flashback photos. AND I got a mention!! :)