There were several other things taking place in September.The first was the 75th anniversary of the LAEP program at Utah State. It was one of those things that brought back a lot of memories as over 150 people attended who had graduated from the program. The classes in the afternoon were interesting to see what people have done with their degree. There are some very important people nationally that have come from USU. When I was there it was one of the top programs in the nation and I did not realize how fortunate I was at the time as the department brought in world recognized leaders in the field of landscape architecture.What added to the event was the fact that many of the professor I had also where there and they remembered your name and something about you. It was a very unique college experience that not a lot of people have. The drawing below shows all the professor in the department when I was there.

We met in the old Mechanical Arts building just south of Old Main. The building was actually condemned. The wood stairs leading up to the jr. and sr. studios had such a worn groove in them that you had to watch your step. Each year the studios were "customized" by the students to have their own unique style. A new building was built and the department moved into it the year after I graduated. A lot of the class would pull their all nighters in the building.
Rather than do that I was now married and would work on the kitchen table building models or have the drawing board set up in our little basement apartment and work while Cindy was asleep. Of course we had some field workshops where we went to Little Sahara to design a camp ground or Zions to propose a performing arts campus in Springdale. Meeting everyone again brought back a lot of fond memories.
The next event of September is Payton's soccer games. They still are a swarm that follows the ball but it is fun to watch them.
The final event was the annual Time Out for Women which Cindy, here sisters and the girls go to in Logan. They enjoy this Friday night and Saturday together.

What made this more special was one of the speakers was Noelle Pikus Pace. She had won the silver medal in the skeleton in the 2014 winter games in Sochi. Cindy thought she knew a quicker way out of the building and it lead right to where Noelle was leaving the building. Shy Shannon yelled out Noelle and she stopped for a moment and posed to have her picture taken. She was off to another speaking engagement but was so kind to give of her time for the pictures.
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