While waiting for everyone to show up for his party he played with a balloon that still held the helium since valentines day. Once everyone was there he opened presents. The one he has really taken hold of is his push bike. He is riding it all over the place.
March also is the beginning of youth soccer and we went to Payton's first game. The are so fun to watch because the kids just float around.
March was also the month of creating Cindy's pantry. For years it was a long narrow access to get things that were on shelves that had seen better days. When we remodeled the kitchen we put in an extra door so the walk would not be so long to get things. Then we decided to make it its own room where all the items for the kitchen would be visible and easy to access. After a few weeks of long hours at night it was finally completed. I had meant to start this before the wreck so it would have been done before Christmas but better late than never.
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