I felt so bad because Maddie's car was ruined just after getting it fixed. It was back on October 1, 2009 that her first PT Cruiser was totaled in a wreck on Wall at North Street. Some one pulled out in front of her and hit her. We were so worried about her then as we were at Wasatch State Park camping when it happened.
Now here it was 4 years and two months later and her 2nd PT Cruiser gets totaled in a wreck that was not our fault either. I felt so bad for her.
The people who stopped at the scene called 911 and then I got on my cell phone and called Cindy to tell her I was in a wreck and to come. No sooner had a hung up and Cameron called not knowing what had happened so he got informed also. Soon all the family was around me as I lay back in the car. The EMT asked if I wanted an ambulance and I first said no because I thought my family could take me but after some persuasion from the family I realized I better go by ambulance. It took a while for one to get there and of course it was in the teens temperature wise. For some reason there were a lot of wrecks that night even though the weather was not bad and the roads were dry. They put me on a back board and neck brace and then off I went with Cindy in the front of the ambulance. They did x rays at the hospital on both arms because my right bicep was killing me but my left forearm was swollen, all my back hurt to move and my right leg hurt, plus I had a deep puncture wound in my knee.

At the hospital we learned that the car that hit me the people were having an argument and the husband grabbed the steering wheel and then the wife grabbed it back and over corrected into me. I finally got home around 11:30 that night grateful for caring family and friends and blessings of protection because it could have been much worse.

The next day I hurt a lot worse and could not get up or sit down without someone lifting me. I can stay in any position just fine its just getting to those positions. We did go to see the car and how bad things looked.
I think mine is worse than Maddie's was even though she will not admit it. I really am amazed I was not hurt worse. I do have a guardian angel son and a loving family that is so great to me and I am thankful for them and friends and their prayers and visits that mean a lot.
Just a side note we started to put a few things together for cuts. We looked on the visor and saw pieces of my forehead and then how a mirror poked through which cut me. Another thing when the EMT's arrived and got on the passenger side they asked if I threw up. No it was just a gift of apple sauce from work that splashed all over the car when it wrecked.
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