We had a busy weekend with various activities which were all enjoyable. It started off on Friday night as we rode the train down to Salt Lake City. We had tickets to the conference center where the Tabernacle Choir and Utah Symphony had a concert with special guest artist, James Taylor. On the way down we sat next to a lady who was going to be working the Greek festival. The one sided conversation was a page out of the movie, "My Big Fat Greek Wedding." We learned how all things came from Greece. Once we were off the train Cindy and I laughed about how true the movie was. In addition we rode with Cat Woman and saw Power Rangers, Princess Leigh and others as Salt Lake was hosting the Comic Convention at the same time. We got our seats early and as we were sitting we heard, "There's Greg and Cindy." It was Cindy's brother Bobby and Julie his wife. They were just across the aisle from us. We moved over and sat with them and enjoyed the concert together. It was better than I could imagine. Of course the choir is always great but James Taylor was just as good as ever. He sang a variety of songs from solos, to pieces with the choir and from his popular songs like Fire and Rain and Up on the Roof to lesser known numbers but equally as good Lonesome Road and Shed a Little Light.
At the end there were two encores. We missed the second to the last train and had to wait 89 minutes for the last train that was leaving to Ogden. We got home at one A.M.
The next day was just as eventful. We went to Payton's first soccer game. It was really fun to watch these young girls try to figure out what they were doing. Payton was enjoying all the attention and we sometimes even saw her following the soccer ball.
After her game it was lunch time and then off to Provo to watch BYU play Texas in football. We left a sunny Ogden and by the time we got to Provo we saw a big dark cloud. They said there was a 50% chance of some rain so we took ponchos just in case. We got to the stadium and no sooner were we within the gates than a very strong wind hit. It tore branches off trees and a guy in front of us got hit by one. Then the rain came along with the wind. I had never seen anything like it. The wind was so strong the rain was coming sideways. They cleared the stadium because there was also lightning and everyone huddled under the stadium area.
The road turned into a fast moving stream and the game was delayed for two hours for the lightning to pass. This was the second week in a row that BYU had a two hour weather delayed game.
After spending two hours with the concession stands the game was cleared to play. The rain and wind stopped and it turned out to be a nice evening. You never would have guest what had happened a few hours earlier. BYU did not let this stop them and they played great. They ran for over 500 yards on Texas which was the largest amount of running yards a Texas team ever gave up. It was a fun night with a lot of activities taking place to give everyone something to cheer about. BYU won 40-21.
It was such an amazing game!!! I wish we were there to watch!