Tuesday, August 20, 2013

August Activities

The first part of the month is  always a celebration with Cindy's birthday. We tried as hard as we could to make it a week long celebration with things happening every day. We finally ended with having cake and ice cream for her birthday.

The birthday was followed with Spencer and Breanne's wedding at the Brigham City Temple.

Mark and Jan's family sure has grown larger this summer. Any family gathering is now them and the rest of us as token family.

Archie and Dad take time out to get out of the heat of the day. Dad had recovered from having his defibrillator repaired a few days before so considering what he had went through he was doing fine.  

There was a nice sunset that night at the end of the reception.

A week later was the extended Skeen family reunion. They had made arrangements to open up the Carver cabin in Plain City which has many of the pioneer relics of Plain City in it. I took this opportunity to take some pictures of the inside. I think the last time I was inside the cabin was during elementary school. Every year the classes would visit the cabin which was across the park from the school and be given a tour by Mrs. Carver or Lund or England.

 That afternoon the winds shifted and smoke from the various fires that are in the northern Utah area drifted into the valley and started to blur the view of Ben Lomand. The smoke was not as bad as last year though but on tis day it was trying to tie the record for the most days over 100 degrees.

That evening was the 10th annual Acappellastock concert in the Ogden Amphitheater. We have been to everyone and this was just as good as the first one.

A group from Canada called Cadence was funny and they had one singer detained at the boarder so they did great considering what had happened.

There was T Minus Five who arranges the whole thing.

 The final group was called Nota from Peurto Rico. They were so energetic and were great. 

 Maddie, Skyler, Cindy and I had a great time. Cameron and Cecelia were also their and they were sitting with Cecelia's family. The next week would be the beginning of Cindy starting school again. Summer fun is now done.

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