Monday, May 20, 2013

30, wedding and green in May

This last week was an eventful week. Cameron turned 30. It is hard to believe that he is 30. It was not that long ago that we welcomed him joyfully into our family as a baby. Cecelia had a surprise party for him at her parents house. They had a banner that he ran through for making it to 30. He and Cecelia are so good for each other. We are happy they found each other.

 On the 18th, Tyson and Jerica were sealed in the Logan temple. It was a rainy day but that did not stop the celebration.

Maddie watched Payton and Connor while we were in the temple and then when we were done, her roommate from Alaska, Elisse met her at the temple since she lives in Logan. They spent time catching up on what has been going on in their lives. 

By Monday evening the rain had stopped and the sunset was beautiful. It made everything so green. Even our garden with its spinach, radishes, peas, beets and carrots were doing great. It is so good to go out each morning and make a salad for lunch from the garden.

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