We woke up around 5 in the morning with the sun peeking through clouds. The temperature was 32 degrees and there were some scattered snow and sleet showers that had taken place. We could not sleep any longer and so after putting away the blankets we were off.
We came across a fox, a bear and a moose that morning.
We came across some beautiful scenery with lakes and with every turn on the road new vistas of snow covered mountains were before us.
We stopped in White Horse which is the capital of the Yukon. We had breakfast at McDonald's and then went to the grocery store and got a few snacks to take with us. We filled up with gas ($4.92 a gallon) and then were off again. We came across a bald eagle and then a coyote.

Not very long after seeing the coyote we noticed we were heading into a big, dark storm cloud. We hit a blizzard. We thought we better top off the tank in Haines Junction during the storm because we had no clue how long the storm would last ($6.33 a gallon). It was off and on for about one hundred miles.
This portion of road was bad as there was frost heaves on the road surface along with having to deal with the snow. It was so rough and bumping that we both got kind of sea sick and light headed.
By the time we got to Beaver Creek the storm had stopped. We were almost near the Alaska boarder.We again got gas ($5.71 a gallon) and then headed to the boarder.
We had to stop to look at the line that had been cut along the length of the boarder as far as the eye could see.
We were now in Alaska. No sooner had we taken the picture than a storm hit us. It was a cold rain. Good thing it did not last long.
The mountains got taller as we continued to drive and again we never got tired of the views.
We came upon moose by the side of the road. They did not care that we were there and just kept eating.
Besides the mountains and animals we came across a man on the side of the road who had gone off the road and his car was in a deep depression with the windows broken out from the impact. He was ok and said that he was just waiting for a tow truck. We continued on and reached Glennallen by about 7 and decided to stop. We went down to see the lodge that Maddie would work in. It was vacant as we were two days early before anyone would be there. We drove to see Copper Center which was just a tiny place below the lodge. It was a run down area. We then went back to Glennallen and got a motel room. We had dinner and then called it a night. We had traveled 728 miles this day.
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