Sunday, November 29, 2015


A winter storm hit on the eve of Thanksgiving. In the morning I was shoveling out the driveway a noticed the full moon setting in the west above the clouds. The early light along with the moonlight and snow lit the mountains.

As the sun came up the light it Ben Lomand peak. It was a beautiful morning though it was cold and very windy.

In the afternoon we had dinner at Grandma and Grandpa Montgomery's. It was a nice meal and fun to talk and play games.

Early November

Work on the house is coming along. I got the floor tiled in the addition. I am at the point now that the clothes I started working in to begin with have worn out and I am an embarrassment to the family. I have promised the clothes would be thrown away by the end of the month. We figured the Georgia Tech  t shirt is 30 years old.

Cameron and Cecelia have been living at our house for the last month. They had found a house to buy in Layton before Jeanne came back off her mission, but they still had not closed on it. They have spent the last month living in our house. They finally closed on the house and on November 6th moved into the house. We are so happy for them to have a place of their own.

The next week was Veterans Day and there is frost in the morning. I was outside when the sun was coming up and all of a sudden the leaves of the Mulberry Tree started falling off like an avalanche as the sun hit them. We had seen this happen a couple of years ago but it did it again this year and all the leaves were off the tree by noon.

Payton had done an activity at school called Reflections and she won an award at Pioneer. She then advanced to the district level which was an accomplishment. She did most of the sewing of the owl in a blanket herself.

Near the end of the month we started our combined family home evenings on Monday nights in preparation for Christmas. The first night was at Shannon's house.


Halloween is not a very eventful thing at our house. We do have fun decorating for it though.

We enjoy when Connor and Payton come over all dressed up and especially bringing Aubrey with them.

We also enjoy having relatives come over. At least they get to load up on treats at our house.