Cindy had Back-to-School night on August 22nd. She had just gotten home from meeting parents and the children that would be in her class when the phone rang and Jeanne told Cindy that Gloria had passed away. We had expected this call so many times before but it was still a shock. There had been nothing unusual happening and Hospice had given us no warning that it was time to gather the family. Jeanne was going through her normal routines and was feeding Mom when she slumped over and passed away. Shannon had followed a prompting and went over there a few hours earlier and talked with Grandma. I think the prompting was a tender mercy because of the loving service that Shannon had given Grandma all those many months before Connor was born. The family gathered together at Jeanne's house to console one another. We had gathered about a month before and said our final goodbyes and Greg had given her a blessing of release and then she rallied and we were astounded at her resiliency and stamina. The timing of her passing was very hard for Cindy because of the stress of starting a new year and trying to set procedures and expectations for the year. But there is never a good time to loose your mother and we will miss her terribly.
The following week was spent making plans for the funeral, getting things together and working to get Paul to Utah from California. He is basically homeless and was trying to find a job. Gloria had no idea of his dire condition the last 10 months. It just never seemed appropriate to inform her and I'm not sure she would have understood.
At the same time we worked to get Cameron home for the funeral. He had begun his training with Werner trucking and the day before Gloria passed away he was in Phoenix, Arizona. He was supposed to be on the road within the next three days and was frustrated that he could not make it to the funeral. As the week wore on the trainers never showed up and Cameron sat in a hotel waiting. Finally the company said that no one was coming and had Cameron drive himself and three others to Denver to meet the trainer. He did this and then they waited again. We decided there was no reason for him to sit in a hotel room while he could be at the funeral so we bought him a ticket to fly home and he came home Sunday afternoon before the viewing.
The viewing was on Sunday the 28th of August. It was a great tribute to Gloria. Many of the stalwart people who have made Harrisville what it is came to pay their respects.

Monday August 29th was the funeral and many people came. The extended family of Cindy's father also came which was a great sign of caring and was appreciated. The services were wonderful and the blessing of being a close family were very evident. Jason Godfrey spoke about her generation and their great example of caring and sacrifice and the legacy she left all of us. Greg told stories of events that had shaped her life that I had never heard before such as her moving 12 times as a youngster, living in a tent while her step father worked construction, and her house burning down and her living with relatives. Of course I did know that her own father died when she was very young. Thes things helped develop her love and devotion for family. The great grandchildren sang
Families can be Together Forever. Erica Stephens sang a beautiful song about a lighthouse. She was a light to all of us.

She had many great qualities and was a great example of being cheerful even while in constant pain and never speaking guile and she wanted so much for her family to love each other and watch out for one another. She was also a great listener and loved to hear and pass on the news of her family which we will all miss because that is how we kept tabs on each other. While she will be missed the last several months have been very difficult to watch as she has declined. In many ways Cindy has felt her mother has been gone for a while because her sweet cheery personality was gone but now she is free from those physical restrictions that a worn out body had caused and is able to be with the love of her life again.
Till we meet again